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01/15/03 06:59:20 PM  
Your name: CSM Rick A. Harris
How did you find our site?Google search for old buddy
What unit did you serve with?HHC, 65th Combat Engineers
When did you serve?April 1982 - June 1984
Please enter your comments:Looking for any soldiers that served with my unit during my tour. Searching for at that time (SSG Pat Moore, SSG Steve Puchino, MSG Donald Carlton, MSG Dennis Denbow, CSM Hess, SGT Bob Lawler, 1SG Wayne George) as well as others.
01/14/03 07:45:16 AM  
Your name: Guy C. "Doc" Lamunyon
What is the title of your website?Air Assault Parity Coalition
How did you find our site?Web search - Dogpile
What unit did you serve with?101st Airborne Division
When did you serve?RVN 1971
Please enter your comments:I am working on a project for the retroactive awarding of the Air Assault Badge to Vietnam combat veterans who participated in one or more combat assaults by helicopter. If you/your organization is interested, visit See my recent article in VIETNAM magazine, FEB 2003 issue.
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01/13/03 09:24:24 PM  
Your name: John T Lesnak
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?86th Sig Bn
When did you serve?1969
Please enter your comments:Very well done site. Keep up the good work.
01/13/03 07:04:27 PM  
Your name: MSG Loren Tomblin
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Anybody that went through the language school with me at Schofield gimme a note. Ca^m o'n o^ng
01/13/03 06:06:50 PM  
Your name: DON MILLER (detroit )
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?hq 25divarty
When did you serve?63-66
Please enter your comments:spent my last 6 months in nam arived in country by ship with the 25th first on ground. r&r in singapore good but crazy years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01/13/03 05:55:36 PM  
Your name: SPC Ihnen, Jonathan N.
How did you find our site?through
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Alright here's the deal. I'm trying to find my brother that I haven't seen since 1997. I've tried chatrooms and just about anything else I could think of. So if by any chance someone who reads this knows SPC Daniel J. Ihnen, in the 25th MP Company please e-mail me and let me know. Oh yeah, I'm in the 889th Transportation Detachment out of Salt Lake City, UT. In case y'all wanted to know. Thanks again!
01/12/03 05:31:32 PM  
Your name: JIM MALONEY
How did you find our site?just seufing
What unit did you serve with?1 Bn 8th Arty Brty B
When did you serve?jan 67-Jan 68
01/12/03 01:06:28 PM  
Your name: Gary E. Clayton
How did you find our site?linked
What unit did you serve with?2nd Plt , C 3/4 Cav
When did you serve?69
Please enter your comments:I was TC of 26 in the 2nd plt during parts of 69. In 1995 I was 1SG/office manager of the POW/MIA office in Ha Noi. In 1997 I married a Ha Noi lady whos father fought at Dien Bien Phu. In 1995 I was in charge of the detail that raised the US Flag in Ha Noi. I was amazed during cermonies at Noi Bai at the intense grief of the Vietnam veterans and the contrast of the North Vietnamese who were watching.
01/09/03 08:04:19 PM  
Your name: D. L. (DONALD) GARDNER
What unit did you serve with?HQ & HQ TRP, 3RD SQDN, 4TH CAV
When did you serve?'65 - '66 IN HAWAII '66 - '67 IN VIETNAM
01/09/03 06:43:01 AM  
Your name: Sal Cannizzaro
How did you find our site?fellow legionnaire at American Legion Post
What unit did you serve with?Co. C 4th Bn. 9th Inf. Rgt. (Manchu)
When did you serve?14 Dec. 67- 13 Dec. 68
Please enter your comments:I am service connected 100% disabled for PTSD and just visiting website out of curiosity.
01/08/03 11:38:30 AM  
Your name: Robert M. Ferguson bornf Jewett, TX
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with? 27th Infantry Co F
When did you serve?1950-51 Korea
Please enter your comments:Letters written from my father(Robert) to his mother mention many different soldiers he served with. Lt. Sowell, Lozier, John C. Taylor and more. Happy to respond to inquiries.
01/08/03 09:02:13 AM  
Your name: J. Hammerle
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?C 1/21
When did you serve?march 87 - sep 89
Please enter your comments:
01/06/03 04:18:47 PM  
How did you find our site?BY ACCIDENT
What unit did you serve with?ALPHA COMPANY 4/23RD MECHANISED
When did you serve?VIET NAM
Please enter your comments:JUST LOOKING FOR ANYBODY WHO SERVED FROM 1939 TO 1970 A CO 4/23RD INFANTRY
01/06/03 11:39:33 AM  
Your name: David List
How did you find our site?Google Search
What unit did you serve with?B Troup 3/4 Cav CuChi
When did you serve?Feb - May 1968
Please enter your comments:I was a APC driver in the 3rd Pltn B Troup 3/4 Cav at CuChi 2/68 - 5/68, when hit by an RPG rocket. I would like to hear from any of my friends or fellow platoon members.
01/06/03 08:47:56 AM  
Your name: Tom Linko
How did you find our site?just surfing
What unit did you serve with?4th cav HHT
When did you serve?April 63- Nov 64
Please enter your comments:Also assigneed to 2ND Bri. Wolf Hounds. Would like to hear from anyone in that time framr. Good Luck to ALL!!
01/05/03 10:50:07 PM  
Your name: Lynn J Jones
How did you find our site?Flashes
What unit did you serve with?A Batt 69th Field Art
When did you serve?July 1953-Oct 1954 Korea
Please enter your comments:Wewll done web site
01/05/03 12:06:16 PM  
Your name: Dennis Sanford
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Abatty 3rd how bat 13th Artty
When did you serve?63 to 64
Please enter your comments:Still looking for old pal's who served at that time.
01/05/03 10:07:21 AM  
Your name: Roger Tye
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?25th Inf 2/35 3rd Brgd
When did you serve?1967
Please enter your comments:I am trying to locate a web site that list dates of and places of wounded Viet Nam veterans. I'm trying to locate this info for disablity ratings. Thanks for any info in this area. God bless one and all.
01/05/03 08:50:46 AM  
Your name: Jim McRae
How did you find our site?search on internet
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?1961-64
Please enter your comments:(no comment)
01/05/03 08:43:12 AM  
Your name: Russell Dawson
How did you find our site?Link from 25 ID(L) home page
What unit did you serve with?H Co. 25 AVN REGT
When did you serve?March 89- June 91
Please enter your comments:Your site helped me find out what happened 2 H Co. Tropic Lighting was the best of all my Army units. Got 2 work, train, and deploy w/ 5/9 Air Cav (Original Buffalo Soldiers), attack and assualt Bn's. Really hated 2 leave, but "needs of the Army" needed me more N Korea than Hawaii. (Talk about a change and culture shock)
01/04/03 06:46:59 PM  
Your name: Nolan Ezra
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:It was me. I did it. I clipped Msgt Tomblin's ration card while he was out on ambush. But when I got to the PX all they would give me were 4 cases of Carlings Black Label at 50 cents a case. I left all four cases at the foot of Nui Ba Dan hoping it would poison the VC.
01/04/03 04:47:42 PM  
Your name: MSG Loren Tomblin
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?65-66
Please enter your comments:If I ever find the E-5 that stole my beer ration while I was out on ambush he is dead meat.
01/04/03 08:42:37 AM  
Your name: Lawrence R. Chase
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?M Company 35th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Division
Please enter your comments:I am writing on behalf of the family of Lawrence R. Chase. I am his son and have very little info I can share. His DOB April 3, 1921 and his date of death was April 27, 1963. I believe he was the Company Commander of M Co. 35th Infantry Reg of the 25th Division serving in the Pacific during WW II. I know he fought in the Philippines. He also served in the Korean War 10th Corps HQ.
01/03/03 03:23:23 PM  
Your name: Melvin E. Roark
How did you find our site?Been here before.
What unit did you serve with?Company D 65th Engineers, attached to 3rd Brigade 25th Infantry
When did you serve?Sept. 66 till Sept. 67
Please enter your comments:Posting a note looking for members of the 65th Engineers as I served with D Company HQ platoon as equipment operator. Also looking for Harold Magee to reply from earlier note as he did not leave an email address. Find out what Company that Daniel Van Koevering was with also.
01/02/03 11:47:01 PM  
Your name: Van Koevering, Daniel S.
How did you find our site?random search
What unit did you serve with?65th Combat Engineers
When did you serve?Feb. '67-Feb. '68
Please enter your comments:Would like info on 25th Division yearbooks during Vietnam War, and info on availability of patches regarding 65th Combat Engineering Battalion, and links to history on same unit. Thanks, D. Van Koevering Grand Rapids, MI
01/02/03 10:54:31 PM  
Your name: Joie Arnold Dunyon
How did you find our site?Searching
What unit did you serve with?25th Infantry Division, 64th Field Artillary, A Battery
When did you serve?1946-- 1948
Please enter your comments:I have lost touch with all my friends from the 25th. I would like to try and find some of them.
01/02/03 05:41:23 PM  
Your name: Kenny Cantrell
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?A co. 1/19
When did you serve?5/84 to 11/85
Please enter your comments:I would like to hear from Mark Sullivan or any of the other soldiers that served during that time.
01/02/03 04:25:42 PM  
Your name: MSG Loren Tomblin
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?C 2/14th Inf Bn 25th ID
When did you serve?'65-66
Please enter your comments:Its a small world. I ran in to a man from my unit in 'nam that I had not seen for 35 years. In a national forest of all places. This site is good. I enjoyed reading some of the thoughts placed here. I was an intrepreter/forward observer back then.
01/02/03 09:13:50 AM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?D co 65th engineer bn.25th inf.div.
When did you serve?jan.67 thru july 67
Please enter your comments:was in Pleiku with the 25th later changing over to the 4th was plt. sgt. for C, E 65 Eng. Bn atached to D Co 65 Engr. Bn. 25th Inf Div. Would like to hear from comrades in arms "u" call we haul cant truck it m.f.i.
12/31/02 06:22:50 PM  
Your name: PV2 Josh Woitte
What is the title of your website?25th ID
How did you find our site?Search Engine
What unit did you serve with?A Co. 1/24
When did you serve?Currently serving
Please enter your comments:"Deuce Four" is the best unit!
12/31/02 07:34:06 AM  
Your name: Crystal Corum Wilson
How did you find our site?serch engine
What unit did you serve with?5th infantry 1st battle group echo company
When did you serve?1963
Please enter your comments:My father, Roger Dale Corum (Courm) who passed away in 1997 served with the 25 5 infantry 1st battle group echo company stationed at Schofield Barracks in 1963. Anyone who might have served with him please email me at Thank you.
12/29/02 12:44:08 PM  
Your name: Joseph Marcinko
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:I am in the service as we speak i am at Fort Benning Ga i am still in basic training.I am home for christmas leave and i ran into this web sit and i thought i would say a little something. I also have acousen who is stationed at the 25th he is in the LRPS unit there.
12/29/02 08:49:27 AM  
Your name: Fernando De Pierris
How did you find our site?surfed in looking for KIA information
What unit did you serve with?C Troop, 3/17 Air Cav "Charliehorse" 12th Avn Gp
When did you serve?1968-1969
Please enter your comments:From Oct. 88 to mid-March 69 I served as a pilot in the Lift Section, Charliehorse. We supported the 2nd Bde, 25th ID, Lancers, at Tay Ninh. Every morning we flew from Di An to Tay Ninh and supported the brigade. A Battalion Cmdr from the Brigade was killed during this time frame. I forgot his name, sad because I knew him from several missions. My guess is that this happened in the 69 timee frame but not sure. Can anyone help? not many Bn CO's got killed. A search by rank and year did not turn up any information. Thanks for the help Fernando De Pierris LTC, Avn, retired
12/27/02 02:58:59 PM  
Your name: Hal Conklin
How did you find our site?searching for my old unit
What unit did you serve with?25th MI DET / 25th MI CO / 125 MI CEWI
When did you serve?1975-78 1980-83
Please enter your comments:are there many non vietnam members ? Felt like I was there with all the units thge division supported . Oh well "TROPIC LIGHTNING" my friend . Ran into BG FRANKLIN in NY by accident now runs a large co[8)]
12/27/02 03:12:02 AM  
Your name: Dale Neely
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?25th infantry 2nd/12 4th plt Co. C
When did you serve?Feb 68 - Feb 69
Please enter your comments:Looking for buddies. was in chu chi, da nang Warriors
12/26/02 07:48:15 AM  
Your name: George Woodin
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
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12/26/02 07:25:53 AM  
Your name: Philip Snow
How did you find our site?Looked up 25th Inf.
What unit did you serve with?7/11Th art. fire support base Buel
When did you serve?Jan.70- Apr.70
Please enter your comments: I would like to know how to join.
12/25/02 03:15:38 PM  
Your name: George Woodin
How did you find our site?dumb luck
What unit did you serve with?Co. "D", 65th Eng.
When did you serve?1968-69
Please enter your comments:I didn't see any messages from 65th and just wondered if there were any of you out there from the days in Dau Tieng. My last week in DT was when we were overrun in APR.'68. I was in touch with Tad Ono a few years ago but lost track.
12/25/02 10:50:09 AM  
Your name: Travis Berryman
How did you find our site?From a veteran
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Looking for anyone who served with my father, Dennis Berryman. He was in Company B, 4th Bat.(Mech.), 23rd Infantry from July 1968 to June 1969. He was around Tay Ninh and FSB Rawlins. Thank You Travis Berryman
12/25/02 09:15:21 AM  
Your name: S. Hoover
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:My husbands father served in Vietnam and was home on leave in December 1968. His girlfriend was pregnant and gave birth on 02/15/69, at St. Joseph Hospital in Fort Wayne, IN. you would be 20-21 years of age at the time. We would love to hear from you. Mother was in Woodhaven Maternity Home.
12/25/02 08:42:10 AM  
Your name: Allen Sheren
How did you find our site?just surfing
What unit did you serve with?3/13 arty. Btry "B" supplt sergeant
When did you serve?dec. 1968 to dec. 1969
Please enter your comments:I would like any information on the where abouts of Larry Wilkerson. He was supply sergeant for "A" btry during that time period. He and I took a seven day leave together to visit friends in Okinawa.
12/24/02 05:07:28 PM  
Your name: donald reid
How did you find our site?surfin the net
What unit did you serve with?125 signal, 25th infantry div
When did you serve?1967-1968
Please enter your comments:I am looking for anyone who served with me in the nam during this time. It would be nice to hear from any of you. I lost contact with everyone when I got medevaced out. Interested in LEONARD FOX from Parkersburg West Virginia in particular.
12/24/02 06:16:06 AM  
Your name: Jim Murphy
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?125th Sig. Bn.
When did you serve?12/68 - 12/69
Please enter your comments:I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All the best for 2003. Let us remember in our thoughts and prayers our men and women in uniform. We all remember what it was like to spend Christmas overseas.
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12/23/02 12:28:40 PM  
Your name: Roger A. Mc Gill
What is the title of your website?WELCOME HOME VIETNAM VETS
How did you find our site?Life Member of the Association
What unit did you serve with?HHT 3/4 Cav HQ5B
When did you serve?Hawaii & Vietnam '64-'66
Please enter your comments:Wishing all of you and your families a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW Year. God Bless Everyone - And as we have our Chrismas Meal this year let's remember all the Troops in Harms way.
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12/23/02 12:01:56 PM  
Your name: Joe Little
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?4/23 co B
When did you serve?69 / 70
Please enter your comments:Has anyone been to the top of Neue Badin since the war. It would be a great place for a bed and breakfast
12/23/02 10:01:30 AM  
Your name: Gary Hartt A/2 mech/22ndRGmt,3rdbde of 4th&25thID-12/65-9/67
How did you find our site?I ran out of ice rolling a beer and was looking on the web for ice and found 25thdiv
What unit did you serve with?Alcholic Alpha,more beer than any other Infantry unit.
When did you serve?First (rusty can korean Tiger Beer,thenCarling black Label,Schilitz,but no Badweiser
Please enter your comments:Welcome Home and hope all 25th div guys have a very Merry Christmas and safe and healthy New Year. Please visit the new Triple Deuce website thanks to Mario Salazar our capable webmaster. It is up and running and will gradually be expanded.Remember guys every year since our Vietnam tour is a bonus.
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12/23/02 06:01:21 AM  
Your name: Frank A. Marabello
How did you find our site?My Recon Buddy Pete Sabatino
What unit did you serve with?2/27 HHC - Recon/CRIP
When did you serve?1967-1968
Please enter your comments:I severed with only a few being in Recon, and I would like so much to get in touch with those I served so proudly with. It is not to rehash what we did then, it's too see how life has been from then to now. I hope that we do not forget that (1)year, and have not been reliving it all these years, for it's something that can't be changed. What I do hope to those I served with that it was put behind us, so that life could go on. Wishing Everyone the Best Frank "the Barber" Marabello
12/23/02 01:12:00 AM  
Your name: Ronny Saxe
What is the title of your website?Rons Submarines Covers
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Wonderfull Website: Merry Christmas and Hapy New Year. Just came back home from a tour of duty in Kosovo with my Belgian Infantry Batallion. Warm regards from Belgium
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12/23/02 12:30:18 AM  
Your name: james Armada
How did you find our site?friend gave it to me
What unit did you serve with?25th div 35th inf.regt E co 4thplt.
When did you serve?1949 to 1951 entered Army i148 left 1952the
Please enter your brought back memories of long ago and far a way,but its mentally refreshing renewing old friend ships,i had the privlege of serving with some great guys.things don't change to much we are still at it.the best of luck to the boys of the 25th my prayers go with you.
12/23/02 12:00:04 AM  
Your name: Vietnam War Records
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What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Vietnam War Records users register as a Web Watcher. Once registered, Vietnam War Records users receive an e-alert - an e-mail message containing the text of "Lost and Found" Web Watcher Activations to any e-mail account they specify. Web Watchers may unsubscribe at any time.
12/22/02 06:13:41 PM  
Your name: Jerry Roberts
How did you find our site?friend
What unit did you serve with?2nd/14th commo
When did you serve?1968-1969
Please enter your comments:Just found the web site. This is great! Would be nice to hear from some of the commo guys. "RPG", Shortie, Teach, Mac were some of the guys in the unit. Don't know what else to say except whoever reads this is I hope is doing fine and God Bless.
12/22/02 08:50:01 AM  
Your name: william j hardin jr
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?hhc 2/35 25th inf
When did you serve?jan67 jan68
Please enter your comments:no comment
12/21/02 11:49:33 PM  
Your name: donald reid
How did you find our site?surfed into it
What unit did you serve with?125th signal
When did you serve?1967-1968
Please enter your comments:I am looking for anyone who served with me during this time. I would be glad to hear from you.
12/21/02 05:37:53 PM  
Your name: William Kuppel
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?B Co 4/23 25th
When did you serve?9/66-9/67
Please enter your comments:Just thought I would look around the site maybe bump into some of the guys
12/21/02 01:38:39 PM  
Your name: Joe Welsh
What is the title of your website?Tomahawks 4th 23Inf Mech Vietnam Veterans !
How did you find our site?Been here often
What unit did you serve with?4/23 A company
When did you serve?1970
Please enter your comments:If you served in the Tomahawks check out our web page. You can e-mail me for more info. Thanks...Joe
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12/21/02 10:49:03 AM  
Your name: jackson,bill
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?4/23 co. B.
When did you serve?1969 to 1970
Please enter your comments:looking to contact Sgt. Dinkins,Sgt Lichapell, Lt. Demary or Sgt Demary from Lake Charles L.
12/21/02 08:10:46 AM  
Your name: Nolan Ezra
How did you find our site?member
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:Another year of relative peace has gone by and these are the years that should really be cherished.Merry Christmas 25th div. Pray for another year of no war. Turkey Loaf and Bob Hope aren't the best way to celebrate the season.
12/20/02 09:12:34 PM  
Your name: Mike Sapp
How did you find our site?MSN search
What unit did you serve with?United States Navy Partol Gun Boat 92
When did you serve?70,71, and half of 72
Please enter your comments:I remember you guys and ìwelcome homeî. Any way that is not why I am writing. I did tell my father, however, that I saw patches just like the oneís on his uniform in the Delta, Vung Tau, and perhaps even as far north as Cam Rahn Bay, this I am not sure of thought. Anyway he said ìbulls##t they were all wiped out in Koreaî. The point is I was right and the problem is I cannot tell him he died seven years ago come February. Truly there are a lot of things I cannot tell him so I am going to tell you. My Dad John Riley Sapp served with the 25th Division in the Mechanized Calvary Reconnaissance Troop as a Military Policeman in Osaka Japan 1945 and 1946 he was a good man. If any one has a memory I would love to hear it. He retired in 1977 after a successful career in law enforcement and County Government. We were close so I do not need to thank him for all he did for me or the Country. I knew him like a book as he knew me. Dad, my brother and I could truly commutate, without talking but we talked plenty too. I would like to thank all of you for your service and the role models you have provided me my generation and the world. What I do want to tell him is I miss him, his four grandsonsí miss him but we are grateful for the time we had and that we are carrying on the tradition, Ethan is in the Class of ë06 at West Point, Jordan has opened a file for the Class of í08. Alec and Morgan are still little boys and they ask about you often and wish you could take them fishing. Iíll take ëem but you were the best. You know I hate fishing, got me again didnít you. Thank you for your time to listen is a true act of love, and may the Love and Peace of the Season be with you and all those who we love With Respect and Admiration, Mike
12/20/02 07:43:43 PM  
Your name: Chuck Jones
How did you find our site?Surfing the web for the 25th Inf. Div.
What unit did you serve with?3rd Brigade
When did you serve?Jan. 67 - Jan. 68
Please enter your comments:Anyone know what happened to Col. Shannohan(sp?) aka Flame Thrower 6 ?
12/18/02 08:32:38 PM  
Your name: Richard R. (Dick) Welch
How did you find our site?Through an e-mail inquiry by Paul North...concerning information of my late brother (2nd Lt. Larry E. Welch - US Army) who was a member of this division - KIA 3/14/68.
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:I left a message on the "Virtual Wall" web site in memory of my brother...the message included a request for anyone who may have served with my brother to feel free to contact me - as our family would like to hear from those who may have served with him during his short tour in Vietnam, before he was killed...
12/18/02 07:47:02 PM  
Your name: Merrill Sellers
How did you find our site?Frequent vistor
What unit did you serve with?Co D 1/27 Wolfhounds
When did you serve?Apr68-Apr69
Please enter your comments:Merry Christmas to all you 25th'ers. May this next year be joyous and meaningful for us with family and friends. It was great to see many of you in DC this past Veterans Day weekend. Hopefully, there will be many more reunions for all. God Bless America. Merrill Sellers - Wolfhounds!!
12/18/02 07:44:46 PM  
Your name: Ralph D. Lightner
How did you find our site?Search engine
What unit did you serve with?25th Infantry 2nd Btl Guadalcanal
When did you serve?WWII, 1941-1943
Please enter your comments:I was visiting your website because my father served in the 25th Infantry 2nd Btl, Americal Division at Guadalcanal and trying to learn about his service life. We are having a stone layed at our local train station called "Veterans Way" in Washington, PA for his birthday on December 30th. He is still in good health and just now beginning to talk about his service life in Japan. His daughter, Carol Stewart, thank you for your website.
12/18/02 07:31:31 PM  
Your name: Lewis Goodman
How did you find our site?25 ID website
What unit did you serve with?3/22 Inf and 2/35 Inf
When did you serve?1993-1996
Please enter your comments:(no comment)
12/16/02 08:15:04 PM  
Your name: william forster
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?25division 14 regiment
When did you serve?1950-1953
Please enter your comments:I wanted to know if anyone served with my grandfather on heart break hill.His name is Charles Forster. Also if any one knows any info. about these three people let me know: Henry L.Crawford, Herman H. Quin, &J.H.Sills.
12/16/02 02:41:32 PM  
Your name: Ken McKay
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?HHQ Co. 25th Avn. Bn.
When did you serve?Sept. 68 to Sept. 69
Please enter your comments:I visit 25thida guestbook often looking for some of the people I served with.
12/15/02 01:39:54 PM  
Your name: Michael J. Walsh
How did you find our site?Surfing
What unit did you serve with?Recon Platoon HHC, 2/34th Armor
When did you serve?November 67 thru Feb 29th 69 (MEDAVAC'ed out)
Please enter your comments:I was an APC driver and machinegunner. We mostly did convoy escort between Tay Ninh and Cu Chi past the Black Virgin mountain. Also provided security for Roam Plows "crashing jungle." My unit (along with many others) was engaged in heavy combat against bunkers just outside Cu Chi in late Feb 68. Our driver, John Hall, from Florida, was killed by an RPG when our tracks swept through some tall grass. Our TC was SP4 Underwood but everyone called him Dog. He was killed in April of 68. I was severely wounded in the left leg and side when I drove over an old rice paddy dike and "bellied up". Two RPG's ended my tour fast. I would someday like to find my other gunner, a black guy from the south, perhaps Georga. His name was Coone, John Coone. He was a great guy and very brave.
12/15/02 01:31:13 PM  
Your name: G. Stark
How did you find our site?Google
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?1945
Please enter your comments:I am looking for men who may have served with my father. Lt. Robert Stark who was with the 161st Infantry. I think the Company was E or F. He was wounded 24 February 1945 while leading his men to take Taka Hill in the Phillipines. His Division Commander was Brg. General James Dalton II. I have a letter from General Dalton to my father, in it it says General Dalton spoke to a T Sgt. Williamson regarding my fathers condition after the battle. That is the only name I have. My father has since passed away and would not talk much about the war. I would like to learn more. Thankyou
12/14/02 12:37:22 PM  
Your name: Benton H. Barron (Hillbilly)
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Co A 1/27 Inf.
When did you serve?1969/70
Please enter your comments:Looking for Henry Spooner, Wayne Dyle, Larry (Bubbles) Williams, and 1st Sgt. Vicent Yerino and any others that served with me. E-mail me at D A Bapt
12/11/02 08:26:42 AM  
Your name: Tony Cooper
How did you find our site?Surf in, often
What unit did you serve with?HHC 3rd Bde 25th Commo
When did you serve?June 67 to June 68
Please enter your comments:Check out the Battle of Dau Tieng website. I was told about it a year or so ago. Warning, it is a tear-jerker for those of us who ever spent time in Dau Tieng, back in the day. Still looking for someone who served or knew me from commo.
12/11/02 05:53:51 AM  
How did you find our site?YAHOO
What unit did you serve with?DCo 1/25th AVN REGT
When did you serve?October 1988 - June 1992
Please enter your comments:It was my best assignment in my whole 20 yrs of service to my country. SHAKA BRA!
12/10/02 10:15:14 PM  
Your name: Joseph Dissicini
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?Company C 65th combat Engineers
When did you serve?June 65 to June 66
Please enter your comments:Would like to hear from anyone who served with or even remembers me. I was a Radio Operater. We were first statione in Dong ba tin, then went to ben Hoa and finally to cu chi for the last 7 or 8 months.
12/10/02 07:22:07 PM  
Your name: Deacon John Welch
How did you find our site?webmaster 25th Div.
What unit did you serve with?25th div. 14th Reg. Co "B"
When did you serve?1953/54
Please enter your comments:Looking for old pals. I have a copy of the book Tropic Lightning in Korea. Not for sale.
12/10/02 06:44:28 PM  
Your name: Larry R. Gatlin
How did you find our site?vfw magazine
What unit did you serve with?Company C 4/9th 25th Infantry in 1966
When did you serve?1964-1966
Please enter your comments:Looking for members of my unit.
12/10/02 02:28:35 PM  
Your name: Steven Hill
How did you find our site?associaton page
What unit did you serve with?Co B 2nd Bat 14Th InfDiv
When did you serve?1962-1965
Please enter your comments:looking for a Co. roster so I could look up some door gunners I served with
12/10/02 11:40:33 AM  
How did you find our site?WWW.GOV.COM
What unit did you serve with?1ST BN 35TH BCO WPNS PLT 25TH ID
When did you serve?JULY 1980 MARCH 1983
12/10/02 08:27:05 AM  
Your name: roger a fiftal
How did you find our site?surfing
What unit did you serve with?b battery 1/8 artillery
When did you serve?1967-1968
Please enter your comments:am looking for a lt. font who served with me as a foward observer...
12/09/02 10:43:26 AM  
Your name: Paul Trinque
How did you find our site?Google
What unit did you serve with?25th Division
When did you serve?1-1955 to 9-1956
Please enter your comments:I was in the 89th Medical Detachment. The building is located about 100 feet from the building that received the first shot from the Japaniese that flew over the Kolekole Pass on the morning of December 7th in 1941.
12/08/02 04:15:44 PM  
Your name: jack koontz
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?125th signal battalion
When did you serve?march 67 to march 68
Please enter your comments:i was on the first "bunker guard" team and showed the movies in the afternoon at the EM club...would like to talk to any others from that time...see pic at 125th signal battalion
12/08/02 02:53:00 PM  
Your name: Benton H. Barron (Hillbilly)
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?Co. A 1/27Inf.
When did you serve?1969-70
Please enter your comments:I am looking for anyone who served with me during that time. It seemes like yesterday and it has been 33 years. I would like to hear from anyone especially Henry Spooner, Wayne Dyle, Larry (Bubbles) Williams, and First Sargent Vincent Yerino. It has been too long men and I think about you often.
12/08/02 05:24:41 AM  
Your name: Ronald G Jones
How did you find our site?net search
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?1968/1969
Please enter your comments:Looking for anyone that was with the Nam`s Angels 1968/1969 Fire Base Buell `Cook`and Washington
12/07/02 06:34:18 PM  
Your name: thomas Pardue
How did you find our site?friend
What unit did you serve with?4th Bn. 9th Inf - Manchus
When did you serve? Nov 69-Nov70
Please enter your comments: I'd like to hear from anyone who served in "B" co.- Dec. 69-Jun 70. Saunders, Colburn, Doc, John-John --- Thanks,
12/07/02 12:18:18 PM  
Your name: dempsey
How did you find our site?luck
What unit did you serve with?4/23 co B
When did you serve?tay ninh
Please enter your comments:looking for the guys in the 3rd platoon.
12/07/02 08:10:34 AM  
Your name: Ronald G Jones
How did you find our site?net search
What unit did you serve with?Recon 3/22 E Company 1968-69 Nam`s Angels
When did you serve?1968/1969
Please enter your comments:Looking for aneyone that was there at that time That knows SGT Floyd Huff
12/05/02 12:20:14 PM  
Your name: David S. Tomlin
How did you find our site? Been here before
What unit did you serve with? A Trp & B Trp 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? 65-67
Please enter your comments: High folks. Had a great time at the 3/4 Cav. Reunion in Chattanooga. Would like to meet or contact anyone that I served with. Looking for my old platoon commander and Squad leader. Lt. Miller, and Sgt. Walker. Hope to see all Cav. members at the next Reunion, in Lexington,Ky.. I will try to make the next 25th Reunion.
12/04/02 07:16:56 PM  
Your name: John W. Kirk
How did you find our site? Ole buddy Aubrey Dale Ramsey told me about it.
What unit did you serve with? A Btry 2nd Batallion 9th
When did you serve? Sept 1963 til Oct 1966
Please enter your comments: I was a doorgunner Shotgun 10 from June 65 to Sept 65. Returned in Jan 1966 for 9 months with the 2nd and 9th.Anyone serving with me, i would like to talk with.
12/04/02 12:38:06 PM  
Your name: Ben Youmans, Secretary Treasurer 35th Assn
What is the title of your website? 35th Infantry Regiment Assn
How did you find our site? Been here before
What unit did you serve with? C 2/35th Infantry 1968
When did you serve? 1968
Please enter your comments: All WW2 25th Infantry, I have a 50 copies of the famous book "165 Days" which is about the 25th Infantry Division and the Battle for Luzon in 1945. The book covers the 35th, 27th and 161st Infantry Regiments. The famous Battle of Balete Pass is covered in this book. This is a hand written and hand drawn pictures covering the "165 Days" of combat on Luzon. This is a soft cover copy of the original Hard Cover book that was written by William de Jarnette Rutherfoord, and published in 1946, as he accompanied the 25th during the battle. I have a WW2 25th Division buddy from my VFW who loaned me his original book to copy. (He still has the original envelope dated 1946 when the book was mailed to him.) The copy costs and postage total close to $10.00 each. For a donation of at least that amount I will ship a copy to any WW2 Vet or family wanting them. For now we will limit it to one copy per order until all request are handled. If the demand is enough I can have more copies made. I already have several orders which will be mailed out this weekend. This is an excellent 88 page story of the Cacti, the Wolfhounds and the 161st Infantry Regiments setting the record for consecutive days in Combat at 165. This record was not broken until the 3rd Brigade (1st/14th, 1st/35th and 2nd/35th Inf) of the 25th Division went 235 days in combat operations in 1966 in Vietnam. This book will make an excellent Christmas gift to yourself or to a WW2 Vet you know. Send check or money order only to Ben Youmans Secretary/Treasurer 35th Infantry Regt. Assn. 39042 6th Ave. Zephyrhills, FL 33540 (813)782-3317 Ben Youmans -- Z,hills FL USA -- 11/29/2002
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12/04/02 06:31:20 AM  
Your name: Tom O'Brien
What is the title of your website? Tom O'Brien's Corner
How did you find our site? Been here before
What unit did you serve with? Co A. 33rd Transportation Battalion
When did you serve? December 1959 to July 1962
Please enter your comments: Is there anybody out there who served with the 33rd Trans who has some pictures.
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12/01/02 05:07:56 PM  
Your name: Steven(Mike)Grigg
How did you find our site? 25th Div.
What unit did you serve with? 4/9Manchu Delta Co./ Recon
When did you serve? Nov.68-Nov.69
Please enter your comments: Looking for old buddies. Cannot remeber many names.Dave McNabb from Va.-Ken Wilson-N.C.Dave drove a 3/4 ton w/M60 mounted.We also had 2 motorcycles and a jeep. Pulled duty in rubber plantation.Also worked w/Navy on PBR boats. While with Navy had a (FNG) who was AWOL from states after getting a DEAR JOHN. We also pulled a lot of ambushes. If anyone remember any of this I would like to hear from you.
11/30/02 05:44:57 PM  
Your name: HENRY W ADAMS
How did you find our site? 25th div. assocation
What unit did you serve with? 8th field artillery batt. c SGT SECTION CHIEF
When did you serve? 1951
11/30/02 01:18:29 PM  
Your name: James Hollis
How did you find our site? Surfing For Info On The 161st.
What unit did you serve with? USN
When did you serve? 2-71 to 3-73
Please enter your comments: I'm trying to find out some info on my Fathers Unit?.He was with Co.D 161st Infantry.He was in the Pacific from 5/42 to 3/45.He was a Heavy Weapons NCO,his Battles & Campaigns were Guadalcanal,Southern Philippines,Luzon.Also was wounded in action on New Georgia.Any Information or Pictures would be of Great Help
11/29/02 03:33:59 PM  
How did you find our site? SEARCH
What unit did you serve with? A CO. 1ST BN. 19TH INF.
When did you serve? 1976-1980
11/29/02 01:43:28 AM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25TH.M.P.CO.
When did you serve? 1964 TO 1966
11/28/02 10:45:23 AM  
Your name: edwin f. kitner usa maj ret
How did you find our site? browsing
What unit did you serve with? hq 25th div
When did you serve? 1951-1953
Please enter your comments: i was AG forward i mailed a book to the USA war College in Carlisle a copy of the book Battleground Korea. I cannot find any reference to to this book and am looking for a copy of it.
11/28/02 07:36:52 AM  
Your name: Frank N Kruczynski
How did you find our site? just browsing
What unit did you serve with? 2th med bn 49 duty station div hq dispensary on lightning bvd in Osaka
When did you serve? 49
Please enter your comments: I was transferd to 35th inf reg med co late 49 or early 50 and went to Korea with med co and served as litter jeep driver ist bn aid station, was med evavacuted to Japan for surgery in sept 50,spent time in air force hosp in tachikawa,Tokyo gen anex, then to Sendi,reasigned to Kumamoto on Kyushu,reasigned to states in July 51 woulfd like to hear from anyone who might remember me
11/27/02 08:27:09 PM  
Your name: Karen Spears Zacharias
How did you find our site? search engine
What unit did you serve with? My father was S. Sgt. David Paul Spears, Battery B, 2nd Battalion, 9th Artillery, 3 Brg.
When did you serve? 1949 -1966
Please enter your comments: Stf.Sgt David Paul Spears served in Korea and Vietnam, prior to his death in South Vietnam, July 24, 1966. I am searching for anyone who may have served with my father at Ft.Benning, Korea, Schofield or South Vietnam. Please contact me.
11/27/02 06:40:08 PM  
Your name: Kevin W.P. Holmes
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: My father served in Vietnam 65 0r 66. I believe he was in Pleiku with the 125th signal company. Came out of Schofield barracks. Sargent, possibly E5 at the time. I need to write to soilders who served with him.
11/27/02 11:25:34 AM  
Your name: frankie G Willard
How did you find our site? been here a lot of times
What unit did you serve with? CoC 2Bn 35th Inf
When did you serve? 1961 to 1967
Please enter your comments: I think I'm like a lot of the Guys I know we had Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving 1966 I'm sure of that,an I belive it was some were on a nameless LZ near Kontum near a rock quarry. the only thing I remember is that the Chaplain was giving Mass to some of the Guys an motor rounds wet off a few kicks away and the chaplain left and one of the Guys said that was the shorts Mass he had ever been in its funny the little thing we remember Frank Cacti
11/27/02 02:14:15 AM  
Your name: Taff Fitzgerald
What is the title of your website? Gunners RA
How did you find our site? Through ANZAK
What unit did you serve with? 4th Regiment Royal Artillery, 17 Training Regiment RA, 19 Regiment RA
When did you serve? 1984-1998
Please enter your comments: Excellent site with loads of info well presented. Well Done Taff
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11/26/02 12:16:01 PM  
Your name: Mason ........ Vietnam 1970
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I am a Vietnam vet Ö.. I have opened a channel on DALnet IRCÖÖI am inviting you to come and visit with us thereÖthe channel is an all vets channel and it is controlled by vetsÖplease linkup with us and become part of our small band of brothersÖÖ..Name of the channel is #TheLastFirebase, and again it is located on DALnet, an IRC serverÖÖmy name is Mason (code name: FirebaseD on AOL IM) I have attached this web URL that may help you understand what IRC is all about ÖÖ. ÖÖand again linkup with us brotherÖ.we are all veterans of this great nationís militaryÖÖ..
11/25/02 04:45:31 PM  
Your name: Otto Hoes
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 14th Regiment
When did you serve? 51-54
Please enter your comments: Hello i was wondering if anyone knew how i could get in contact with Mike Montes, or Arnold Blessington. if you do E-mail my son at
11/25/02 04:39:40 PM  
Your name: frankie G Willard
How did you find our site? been here a lot
What unit did you serve with? CoC 2Bn 35th Inf 3 Bde
When did you serve? aug 1963 to Jan 1967
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone that whent to SocTrang VietNam on door Gunner One in March 1963 From the 2 BN 35th Inf we were thr frist
11/25/02 04:09:18 PM  
Your name: Chad Hoes
How did you find our site? curiousity
What unit did you serve with? my dad was in th 25th
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Hello my Dad Ssg. Otto Hoes was in Korea in the last 2 years of conflict he was transferred to the 8th Army instead of going to Vietnam. I was wondering if any of you who visit this site remember Seargent Hoes and if so you can contact me at my E-mail He was in mortars and i was wondering what his insignia looked like i wanted to get him a patch from his unit because he has the 8th army patch on his uniform but he never really served with that division b/c he was transferred to be discharged.
11/24/02 09:28:05 PM  
Your name: David Macias
How did you find our site? Web Search
What unit did you serve with? 125th Signal Battalion, 25th ID
When did you serve? 1987-1992
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/24/02 06:45:09 PM  
Your name: Jeff Riley
How did you find our site? Friend
What unit did you serve with? (father) 35th Regiment C Company
When did you serve? (father) 1945
Please enter your comments: Searching for people who may have served with Tom Riley (from New York). He was there prior to the Battle for Balete Pass, and served throughout including occupation after the war. He is also in contact with serveral persons including Scott Carver who has accumulated a lot of info during this same period of time. Hope to hear from you!
11/24/02 09:56:14 AM  
Your name: JIM MALONEY
How did you find our site? referral form 3/4 cav site
What unit did you serve with? B Brty 1/8 th arty
When did you serve? Jan 67-68 came back to with the 9th ID 3/34 B brty on the mekong barge 102's
Please enter your comments: Need help finding anyone that i served with to fight the VA over my hearing loss. they are saying is not service connected i say it is... any help would be of help...i remember SSG menafee possibly wrong spelling.. other was willie strong CPL.. this is a great site keep it up....
11/23/02 01:15:23 PM  
Your name: Anthony (Tony) V. Lalley
How did you find our site? FLASHES (Tropic Lightning)
What unit did you serve with? B Company, 89th Tank Battalion
When did you serve? 12/52 - 11/53
Please enter your comments: This was my first view of the web site and it's contents. Great site and informative. History of 89th as described in "Units" needs serious modification and update because it conflicts with 89th history as well as with: "U.S. Army in the Korean War" published by Office of the Chief of Military History. Looking forward to a long relationship.
11/23/02 05:49:02 AM  
Your name: Walt McDonald
What is the title of your website? Golden Dragons
How did you find our site? here every day
What unit did you serve with? A/1/14 3rd Bde / Hawaii and Pleiku
When did you serve? April 1965- Jan 1967
Please enter your comments: At a time when war seems so inevitable, I feel it important to remind us all what George Washington once said, " The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the VETERANS OF EARLIER WARS WERE TREATED AND APPRECIATED BY THEIR NATION." To me if that were true we would have no one serving! The majority of those that care for Veterans are Veterans themselves. Stand up Veterans and join the fight to help those that already served get what they deserve, before sending more of our young off to fight for those that were cowards to go themselves.
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11/22/02 09:09:02 PM  
Your name: Mark Krofek
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Co C 2nd bn. 12th inf. 3rd brigade at Dau Tieng
When did you serve? April -Nov. 1967
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/22/02 08:15:10 PM  
Your name: Robert C. McCoy
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 2/5 25th Inf
When did you serve? 1970-1971
Please enter your comments:
11/21/02 05:28:09 PM  
Your name: Charles Moy
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A,2/12th and E,1/16th ,1st Inf. Div.
When did you serve? Ft. Riley,1961-1964
Please enter your comments: My name is: Charles Moy Former: Sgt,E5, Squad Leader 106MM,R.R. Served: 1961-1964,Ft. Riley, Kansas Units: Co.A, 2 BG. 12Th. Inf. Reg. 1961-1963 Co.E, 1St BG. 16Th. Inf. Reg. 1963-1964 Both these Units were part of the 1St. Infantry Division"THE BIG RED ONE". During this...Cold War Era. Would greatly appreciate any information about, or responses from former members of either of these units. The 2/12Th. was disbanded at Ft. Riley, shortly after I left,and then became the 2Bn. 18Th. Inf. Reg. I have been told that the 1/16Th. went to Vietnam in 1965 and then became the 5/60th in 1968. ............................ALSO....................................... The Society of the First Infantry Division has a message board at:
11/21/02 08:32:26 AM  
Your name: Larry L. Boone
How did you find our site? Merrill K. Sellers called me.
What unit did you serve with? 1st 27th Wolfhounds 25th Inf. Company D
When did you serve? November 1967 - November 1968
Please enter your comments: Thanks Merrill for calling me. It was great to get a call like that. It would be great to here from old friends. Where are you, George Collins, Virgil Bevel and Lt. Roger (Ramjet) Horn. Many others that I just can not recall right now. I will go through my old things. That will jog my memory. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.
11/18/02 08:15:48 PM  
Your name: BILL NAPIER
How did you find our site? GOOGLE
What unit did you serve with? 35TH INF REG COMPANY B (UNCLE'S UNIT CLAY VALENTINE
When did you serve? PRIOR TO 12.07.1945 UNTIL 03/22/1945 KIA
11/17/02 05:27:18 PM  
Your name: William H Schwindt
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? C3/22nd Inf
When did you serve? 66-67
Please enter your comments: A recent find, Steven Kodaj, remembers the demo man who shared his tent and of course was attached to C3/22nd Inf in the fall of 67 at Dau Tieng. His nickname was "butter" and he thinks his name was butterworth. HELP?
11/17/02 12:48:38 PM  
Your name: doug wilson
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 4th bn 23 inf 25th inf div
When did you serve? 4/69 to 8/70
Please enter your comments: Trying to get in touch with Tom Silva. Believe he was from out west. Served in the 3rd platoon - 3/3 squad. Was in the band in high school. Also looking for a sgt. from lake Charles louisiana.Was abn. went through the sgt. school .
11/17/02 11:34:18 AM  
Your name: Frank Alexander Gollub
How did you find our site? A Wolfhound Soldier *
What unit did you serve with? Charlie 2/27 Wolfhounds 25 Infantry
When did you serve? Hawaii Nov 65,Cu Chi Vietnam 66-67
Please enter your comments: Wolfhounds It was an Honor to serve * Trojan Charlie 43* Sgt Frank Alexander Gollub. My Son Frankie A. Gollub JR. is the Webmaster of "HELL's Half Acre A Vietnam War PAGE. He will email it to you when He signs your guestbook. He has had more than 66.000 hits since Dec. 1999. Wolfhounds For Ever*
11/16/02 02:40:39 PM  
Your name: Jim Claeys
What is the title of your website? Vietnam War Pictures, Maps, Memorabilia
How did you find our site? Google
What unit did you serve with? 4th Inf Div (6/29 Arty & 3/8 Inf)
When did you serve? 1969-70 at Pleiku-An Khe
Please enter your comments: Numba One website! You did a nice job with it. WANTED: Audiotapes/CDs of Vietnam radio traffic, fire missions, firefights, incoming, cockpit tapes, AFVN, etc. Also Vietnam home movies on VHS. I have beaucoup same-same to trade and can email my list. Thanks!
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11/15/02 03:14:14 PM  
Your name: Kenneth L. McKay
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? HHC 25th. Avn. Bn. Med. Section
When did you serve? Sept. 68 to Sept. 69
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/15/02 12:55:13 PM  
Your name: Robert Proctor
What is the title of your website? OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENTS
How did you find our site? Looking for maps of Camp Otsu and Otsu City
What unit did you serve with? 8028 AU and 8249 Au Camp Otsu
When did you serve? Camp Otsu 1955-1957 Army 1953-1958 Air Force 1958-1976
Please enter your comments: I arrived at Camp Otsu in February 1955 and left in March 1957. I was with the 8028 Th. Army Unit at first for about 2 months. The 8028 Th. AU was combined with the 8249th and the 8028 AU standards were deactivated. Camp Otsu was the Headquarters of Southwest Command at the time. In 1956 the 7 Th. Cavalry Regiment took over the camp and the Southwest Command was deactivated. General Ralph W Zwicker was commander of the Southwest Command. I don't remember the name of the Commander of the 7 Th. Cavalry Regiment. I work in Signal Supply until the 7 Th. Cavalry Regiment came in and then was sent to Engineer Supply for the rest of my tour. Camp Otsu closed sometime in late 1957 or early 1958. I am not sure where the 1st Cavalry and all the regiments were between then and the war in Vietnam. I do know all of them were in Vietnam from around Ben Hoa to Cam Ron Bay.
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11/14/02 09:34:59 PM  
Your name: Johnny L. Thompson
How did you find our site? from va
What unit did you serve with? 3rd/22nd/25th/Co. D 1st platoon
When did you serve? 1967-68 Dau Tieng
Please enter your comments: If you served with me during this time please contact--Johnny Reb
11/14/02 06:18:32 PM  
Your name: carl swon
How did you find our site? friend
What unit did you serve with? Co a 2nd Bn 12th inf
When did you serve? aug 1 1967 to dec 26th 1967
Please enter your comments: i'm looking for information on "HARVEY HOUK" we were wounded on the 26th of dec 1967..... carl
11/14/02 03:18:23 PM  
Your name: C Thrift
How did you find our site? yahoo
What unit did you serve with? 2/22 B Co.
When did you serve? 1966-67
Please enter your comments: I am trying to locate persons from the 2/22 B Company during 1967 period. Any help is appreciated.
11/14/02 11:20:19 AM  
Your name: john popham
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 372nd Radio Research Co.
When did you serve? Mar. 69 - Mar. 70
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/13/02 06:16:58 PM  
Your name: Merrill Sellers
How did you find our site? regular visitor
What unit did you serve with? Co D 1/27 Wolfhounds
When did you serve? Apr 68-Apr 69
Please enter your comments: What a great time was had this Veterans Day weekend in DC. We had a great group of 25ther's at the Keybridge Marriot in Arlington. I spent lots of time with two guys I haven't seen for 33 years. John Babbitt and Ben Frankel and I talked about our Wolfhound experiences in 68-69. It was difficult to end this weekend, but, we know there will be another one. For those vets out there that struggle to keep their past IN THE PAST, sometimes it's easier and more therapeutic(sp),trying to remember things, rather than trying to forget. It was also a treat to hug a kind nurse from the 12th evac in Cu Chi. She knew the Wolfhounds. God Bless us all. Merrill
11/13/02 02:44:38 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? D CO 27TH WOLFHOUNDS
When did you serve? JULY'33--SEPT'35
11/13/02 12:37:22 PM  
Your name: Gerald L. Beckman (Jerry)
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 125th Signal Battalion
When did you serve? November 1966 to November 1967
Please enter your comments: I served with the 25th Div. in Viet Nam. Working from the Cu Chi base camp. I'm interested in hearing from anyone who I served with.
11/13/02 06:48:00 AM  
Your name: Billy Raynor
How did you find our site? American Legion Magazine
What unit did you serve with? Delta Company 2/14 Inf. Golden Dragons
When did you serve? 1969-1970
Please enter your comments: Fire Support Base Patton 4th Platoon
11/12/02 07:39:30 PM  
Your name: Wayne C. Richards (Bones)
What is the title of your website? I'm found in the Cu Chi page at and there are photos from my tour
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25th M.P. Co., Cu Chi
When did you serve? Served from January to December, 1970
Please enter your comments: I'd like to hear from anyone who served with me. I worked for several months on the 1600-0400 hr. line shift; then several months outside on highway patrol. Does anyone remember Gary Bateman, Jim Armstrong, "Smitty", Gary Esch, "Waldo", Hill, Schultz, Gary Sloper, Enis? Great times! Many of the guys I arrived with came from Ft. Polk originally, ca. 1969.
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11/10/02 08:52:06 PM  
Your name: Wallace
What is the title of your website? We Were Soldiers
How did you find our site? A compass and a map
What unit did you serve with? 1/35th
When did you serve? various
Please enter your comments: Over the last several years I have been privelaged to get to know Gen. Hal Moore, portrayed in We Were Soldiers. Hal always makes a point of saying to every Veteran he meets, "Thank you for your service". And so I repeat that on Veteran's Day. Thank you for your service!
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11/10/02 07:11:44 PM  
Your name: Dennis McCurry
How did you find our site? 25th Association Member
What unit did you serve with? 65th Engineers, Company C
When did you serve? Sept. 66-Sept. 67
Please enter your comments: Went to Washington yesterday for the 20th anniversary of 'The Wall'. Was able to meet up with our CO Jack Hansmann. We have located Carl Ettlinger and John McCarty. We are trying to locate other guys for a reunion next year. If you served in Charlie company during this time email me. First In- Last Out! Tropic Lightning! Dennis McCurry
11/10/02 02:47:55 PM  
Your name: Harry T. Kiley
What is the title of your website? HHB 25th Infantry Division Artillery
How did you find our site? Been here before
What unit did you serve with? HHB 25th DivArty
When did you serve? 1965 - 67
Please enter your comments: Extending my very best to all past, present and future veterans and their families on this Veteran's Day - 2002. May God Bless Us All!
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11/10/02 08:13:16 AM  
Your name: Welch, Thomas B.
How did you find our site? Search of 25th Divn.
What unit did you serve with? 14th INF 1st BG Co. D - - - Schofield Barraks/Oahu/Hawaii
When did you serve? 1958 - 1960
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/09/02 10:16:46 PM  
Your name: PAUL ROOS
How did you find our site? LOOKED FOR IT WITH KEYWORD
What unit did you serve with? 25TH ADMIN CO. CU CHI
When did you serve? 17 JAN.1970-13 FEB. 1971
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/09/02 12:59:16 PM  
Your name: fwillard
How did you find our site? been here many times
What unit did you serve with? Co C2 Bn 35th Inf
When did you serve? 1961 to 1967
11/07/02 08:48:14 PM  
How did you find our site? LOOK FOR IT
What unit did you serve with? CCO1/14TH INF C QUAD THE GOLDEN DRAGONS
When did you serve? 92-94
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/07/02 08:09:55 PM  
Your name: Gene Underhill
How did you find our site? friend
What unit did you serve with? 2/27Inf. H.H.C.
When did you serve? 67/68
Please enter your comments: Looking for hounds that were in the Motor Pool and also at Bao Trai with the C.R.I.P.
11/07/02 07:49:22 PM  
Your name: Andrew Rubin
How did you find our site? A friend
What unit did you serve with? My dad 64th FA A Battery
When did you serve? 41-43
Please enter your comments: My dad is looking for anyone. Who served with him the Pacific .His name is Al Rubin his number is 845 292-0607 or e-mail me at thank you to all who served with the 25th
11/06/02 12:27:31 PM  
Your name: Mick (Michael) Kraft
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 1/27th Wolfhounds, Combat Medic
When did you serve? August 1967 - August 1968
Please enter your comments: While in Nam I took over 400 pictures. The subjects varied: Cu Chi, Boonies, Choppers, etc. A friend of mine occasionally posts a CD with these photos on ebay, it can be found buy searching ebay with the key words of VIETNAM WAR: A Photograph Private Collection . If you are patient you can probably get it for the minimum bid as she will sometimes post it several weeks in a row.
11/05/02 07:33:40 PM  
Your name: Jim Strzalkowski (Alphabet)
How did you find our site? searched
What unit did you serve with? 4th Bn, 23rd Inf, Com C. Mech.
When did you serve? In Viet Nam July 68 - July 69
Please enter your comments: Trying to find old friends. Currently the Commander of the VFW in Lawrenceville, Ga. Sure would like to know who made it back. Please email at
11/05/02 07:22:22 PM  
Your name: Ernest M. Correia
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 2/9th -
When did you serve? Viet Nam
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/05/02 06:29:07 PM  
Your name: Robert Geoffrey Ashton
How did you find our site? Looking at 11 Fd Arty History and LTC Binford Peay 111
What unit did you serve with? Australia. 8/12 Mdm Regt.
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: 25 years on, just wanted to say thanks, and what a privilege and pleasure it was to serve {although briefly} with US soldiers. Spec 6 Kinzi especially. Remember Pearl, by all means, but never,never forget Sept 11.
11/03/02 07:09:44 PM  
Your name: Dick Andrews
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 25th M.P. Co.
When did you serve? Nov1951 to NOv1952
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/03/02 04:36:33 PM  
Your name: James L. Michlewski
How did you find our site? Search
What unit did you serve with? Ist and 2nd Bde,RVN
When did you serve? 1967-68.1969-70
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
11/03/02 09:42:30 AM  
Your name: Mike Stepanski
How did you find our site? Assoc life member
What unit did you serve with? D Co. 65th Engr Bn
When did you serve? Apr 68/Apr69
Please enter your comments: Last call for any member of D Co of the 65th Engrs. Have all of you guys that were there with me forgotten about our service. I have been looking for two years and have not received any answers from a number of messages. Stand up and be proud I am Mike Stepanski
11/02/02 03:46:03 PM  
Your name: Robin Padro
How did you find our site? seaching
What unit did you serve with? 25th med batt/lclc
When did you serve? 1968/1970
Please enter your comments: Iam so happy to see this site...this is great!
11/01/02 09:26:14 PM  
Your name: Ray Medina
How did you find our site? Regular
What unit did you serve with? A Co. 65th Engr.
When did you serve? 2/67-68
Please enter your comments: LOOKING for some one? www.People gives you some broad parameters White pages .com narrows it down. Best to use only the first initial of the first name. contacted a buddy I served with in Germany in '65 using this approach. Good Luck
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11/01/02 06:37:23 AM  
Your name: Larry G. Turner
How did you find our site? Google
What unit did you serve with? Div HQ twice and 2nd Battalion 14th Infantry....Company C
When did you serve? Nov 63 - Mar 67
Please enter your comments: Is Gen Weyand still alive?
10/30/02 09:29:26 PM  
Your name: Elsa McKellips
How did you find our site? search engine
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I did not serve. I was hoping someone might have served with Randolph "Randy"McKellips. He was KIA on 2-23-71. He was in the 25th infantry division 1st battalion 27th infantry regiment D Company 3rd platoon Wolfhounds. He was KIA in Long Khanh. If anyone knows anything about him please email me.
10/29/02 10:48:06 AM  
How did you find our site? LOOKING AROUND
What unit did you serve with? G CO.35THREG
When did you serve? 51/52
10/29/02 06:33:22 AM  
Your name: Leslie McKennie
How did you find our site? by using army link
What unit did you serve with? 782d MSB, Ft. Bragg
When did you serve? 1996-2001
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
10/29/02 05:39:17 AM  
Your name: Edward Rich
How did you find our site? been here at the begaining
What unit did you serve with? C. 1/14inf
When did you serve? 1966--1967
Please enter your comments: Still looking for my old buddies
10/28/02 11:56:05 PM  
Your name: Thomas (Jan) Hunt
How did you find our site? browsing
What unit did you serve with? A Battery 3/13th Artillery based at Cu Chi
When did you serve? 1968.69
Please enter your comments: Just looking for Brothers in Arms serving in and with the Clan. Searching for Toby Simmons who may have passed on. I have found Bill (Pig Pen) Fee, Tim (Andy) Andrews, and Lennie Zade. We all fought at FSB Maury. Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friends.
10/28/02 07:55:35 PM  
Your name: Paul J. Barnette
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: If you served in the third platoon Company A 27th Inf. Regt. 25th.Inf Div. in korea July 1950-June 1951. Please contact me. Phone276)679-3562 6211 W. Norton Rd. Norton VA. 24273-4601 E- Mail
10/28/02 01:23:27 AM  
Your name: edward hitch gietka
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? a btry 3 13 arty
When did you serve? 4 70 4 71
Please enter your comments: welcome home brothers we sure have come a long way. i can not remember names but my feelings of the we were are still strong i can picture your faces and hear the laughs. my cousin john patrick thompson k.i.a. served with the manchus died june 6 68 .... any info or replies needed..mail to 5501 w. hwy. 316 reddick fl 32686
10/27/02 07:53:00 AM  
Your name: William DeArmond
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 173rd Airborne Brigade
When did you serve? Sept. 1967 to Sept 1968
Please enter your comments: Would like to correspond with anyone who knew PFC Ron Stroomer. I met him in the hospital in Japan. He was killed in action in either January or early February 1968. He served with a Medal of Honor winner Ed Gallegos in a rifle company I believe with the 25th Division. I loved Ron Stroomer as a brother. I would like to learn more about him. Sincerely, Bill DeArmond
10/26/02 04:16:30 PM  
Your name: Mark Warner
How did you find our site? google search
What unit did you serve with? Uncle Richard R. Warner, 25th Division HQ
When did you serve? 1949-1953?, Japan and Korea
Please enter your comments: I am seeking Korean era photos showing 25th Division vehicls and their unit markings. I am restoring a 1951 GMC 2.5 ton truck, and wish to honor my uncle by using period correct 25th Division HQ markings
10/26/02 05:12:37 AM  
Your name: Peter 'Tibbo' Tibbett
What is the title of your website? 28th ANZUK Field Regiment
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? Australian Field Artillery
When did you serve? 1970-1975
Please enter your comments: Great website enjoyed my visit here very much. One of my best mates served with you in Vietnam. Just reasonly forward us one of your caps that I wear with great pride here in Australia. Hoping that you will report the visit and come and visit our gunners website. Would be great if you would sign the guestbook also. - UBIQUE - Tibbo.
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10/25/02 10:03:18 PM  
Your name: Sarah Webb
How did you find our site? surfing for 502nd mavricks
What unit did you serve with? (grandfather) 502nd mavricks... 101 airborne...173 airborne
When did you serve? 65-69
Please enter your comments: im looking for any one who knew my grandfather. his name what eric busch and went by "Petey" im just trying to find out more about what happened to him in vietnam. if you can help me thx alot and god bless.
10/25/02 03:29:50 PM  
Your name: danny herndon
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 1/27th A com Medic
When did you serve? 67/68
Please enter your comments: Broussard are you out there did you survive?
10/25/02 05:51:35 AM  
Your name: Duane A. Nieminen
How did you find our site? My Brother found it.
What unit did you serve with? 1st Sqd. 1st Platoon Love Co. 14th Inf. Reg. 25th Div.
When did you serve? 1952
Please enter your comments: Sent in my story. Are you publishing them, or not?
10/24/02 02:06:33 PM  
Your name: Brandon Payne
How did you find our site? research
What unit did you serve with? I'm serving with 2 Bat. 116 Reg. 29th INF Division
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I'm looking for a soldier who I presume is still in the 25th. His name is John D. Rogers, he came from my unit and never left a mailing contact, and I would very much like to get in contact with him. He is from Virginia if that helps any. Thanks
10/23/02 01:49:04 PM  
Your name: Lee Beaulac
How did you find our site? Surfing
What unit did you serve with? 725th Maintenance Battalion
When did you serve? Mar 60-Mar70
Please enter your comments: Would like to hear from anyone I was stationed with, most of the time in Tay Ninh, but some time in Cu Chi. Guys on the 88 or convoy duty especially.
10/23/02 01:41:58 PM  
Your name: Joyce Ussery
How did you find our site? referral
What unit did you serve with? HHC 1/5 Cav/A Co., 1/5 Cav - Family of Sgt. Carl Ussery, KIA 9/28/68
When did you serve? December 3, 1967 to September 28, 1968
Please enter your comments: Can anyone tell me if any of the 25th infantry could have been in the Quang Tri area/LZ Barbara on 9/28/68? Would have the 25th Infantry ever been referred to as "25 ele?" We are the family of a Vietnam casualty, finding it necessary to sort through various casualty-related and inconsistent documents that have been brought to our attention in recent years. This is in regard to the Duty Officer's Log Sheet for "1/5 Cav, S2/3" - 9/28/68 - in telling of a helicopter crash incident in Quang Tri Province. It states, in part, C 1/9 is working out in area. 25 ele moved into the area found foot prints, Ind. evaded E. are using mortors and pursuing log bird that crashed"..... The punctuation is as it is on the log sheet, confusing the meaning somewhat. We're needing to confirm if this was referring to the 25th Infantry -and if anyone recalls such an incident in that area and time frame. Thanks.
10/21/02 11:36:03 PM  
Your name: Leslie John Babbitt
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments:
10/21/02 06:24:25 PM  
Your name: Bill Croom
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: I'm looking for anyone that knew of my Uncle, Homer Lee Croom. He was a member of Company L, 161st Regiment of the 25th Division. Homer Lee was killed by a Japanese sniper at Balette Pass in March 1945. He was born in Arkansas, and was on a troop ship to Hawaii when Pearl Harbor was atacked. Thanks.
10/21/02 05:10:24 PM  
Your name: Leslie John Babbitt
How did you find our site? Fellow Vet Merrill Sellers
What unit did you serve with? 1/27 Wolfhounds, Delta Co.
When did you serve? 9/68-3/69
Please enter your comments: Was in RVN 9/68-3/69. Spent time Mahone I&II, Dau Tieng, Hoc Mon,Was in Dau Tieng 2/22/69. Would like to hear from all other members esp. those I served with.
10/21/02 07:03:55 AM  
Your name: Frank A. Marabello
How did you find our site? By accident
What unit did you serve with? 25th-2/27th HHC CRIP
When did you serve? 1967-1968
Please enter your comments: It's been a long time, but I'd like to hear from anyone I served with during that time. I have contacted Pete Sabatino, and we have been connected for a few years now, but often wondered about Cito, Beasley, Garcia, Sonny Bowls as we called him, Flash Gordon Bowls and Gordon both Detroit Boys, and for those who remembered Holwater, and Youndblood. Ray if your reading this, along with Clarke get back to me. Kelly and Kulig you too, even though you both lucked out into the mail room
10/20/02 04:14:47 PM  
Your name: Dave Matosky
How did you find our site? word of mouth
What unit did you serve with? Div. Headquarters, 25th Inf. Div.
When did you serve? '66-67'
Please enter your comments: Never got any respect when I got back, so, Welcome Home all. Still don't get no respect, but, that's ok, God's in charge.
10/20/02 11:37:12 AM  
Your name: Nancy Swets
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? My father was with the 25 Infantry
When did you serve? He served in WWII in Luzon and Guadalcanal
Please enter your comments: If anyone has information about Steve Zupick who served in the Asia Pacific Theater during WWII please contact me. He died in 1980 and I am trying to find out why he received his Bronze Stars.
10/19/02 01:35:03 PM  
Your name: Jacob Gross
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 3/22 Inf reg
When did you serve? 91-93
Please enter your comments: A co and HHC 3-22 Spec Gross living in New York if any of the boys see this drop me a line.
10/18/02 04:35:20 PM  
Your name: Larry G. Brooks
What is the title of your website? Brooks Martial Arts
How did you find our site? Internet
What unit did you serve with? Bravo 1/14th infantry 25th infantry division
When did you serve? 1972-1976
Please enter your comments: Looking for anyone that was in my old unit at this time. Especially anyone that was in that experimental Tae Kwon Do program for the Army with KYO WOON LEE..... or was under Captain Howard (what a guy).... Stutzman where are you?
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10/18/02 10:37:29 AM  
Your name: James D Bond
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 1st bn 27th inf
When did you serve? Jan 1976 to Dec 1978
Please enter your comments: Just like to keep up with the Divisions progress.Need 25th Inf Div (Tropic Lightning) to use as backround for my Air Force computer. Thanks
10/17/02 02:03:44 PM  
Your name: Roger A. Mc Gill
What is the title of your website? VIETNAM VETERANS WELCOME HOME
How did you find our site? Member
What unit did you serve with? HHT 3/4 Cav '65-'66
When did you serve? '65-'66
Please enter your comments: Dana Schuster who was a Nurse at the 12th Evac Hsp at Cu Chi in '66-'67 lost her husband Lee on Monday. Of all the Great things those Nurses did for all of us, maybe an e-mail of condolences to her would be nice from everyone of us Brother's to one of our Sister's. God Bless and may Lee Rest in Peace. And her nick name in Nam was "Dusty" she worked in Triage at the 12th Evac, she also went back to VN for a second tour, but was up North then. Thanks Bro's & Sister's - She is also a member of our Association. And has helped out here many, ways both in our Chapter and also when our Chapter ran a reunion for the Association, and Lee also helped.
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10/17/02 12:20:51 PM  
Your name: Richard C. Cross Jr.
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 65th HHC, Engineer Battalion
When did you serve? 1987-1991
Please enter your comments: I am looking for two individuals I served with. Ed Russel and Stan Ross. If any one comes across this or has knowledge of how to reach these two guys, please give me an e-mail. And if one of you two read this, the first 10 beers are on me. Thanks.
10/16/02 07:31:26 PM  
Your name: Pfc. Michael Kappel, Ret.
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? 3/21 Inf. Co. C , 1st. Plt.
When did you serve? 1988-1991
Please enter your comments: DUTY
10/16/02 04:10:42 PM  
Your name: JIM LONG
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 1ST OF THE 5TH C COMPANY
When did you serve? AUG.1967-AUG 1968
Please enter your comments: (no comment)
10/16/02 06:48:58 AM  
Your name: Steve Sasahara
How did you find our site? Ray Medina - a frequent visitor
What unit did you serve with? 65th Combat Engineers
When did you serve? 3/67 to 9/67 transferred to 9th Inf Div to complete the tour
Please enter your comments: Ray Medina emailed some pics of the guys we served with in Nam. Brought back good memories of fun times and fellowship we shared during the intense moments. Couldn't have asked for a better group of guys. Bless them all.
10/15/02 09:25:25 PM  
How did you find our site? Vietnam Veterans of America web site
What unit did you serve with? 25th Inf. 4th/9TH Co. C. Cuchi,Vietnam
When did you serve? March 1966 to March 1967
Please enter your comments: Anyone wounded by friendly fire and did not get a Purple Heart. You should have gotten one.
10/15/02 10:29:57 AM  
Your name: Mark Nelson
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? HHC 3rd Bde
When did you serve? 66-67
Please enter your comments: 36 years this month since we departed the Walker ...
10/15/02 10:05:48 AM  
Your name: Alexandre A. Adams
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 64th Field Artillery Battalion (C Battery)
When did you serve? 1946-1948
Please enter your comments: Hello, I am looking for information on the personnel of the 64th Field Artillery Unit from 1946 to 1950. Any information or assistance is greatly appreciated. Please email responses to the email listed here. Thank you. Alexandre A. Adams
10/14/02 04:30:37 PM  
Your name: SGT. Jason G. Adams
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? currently with 2/5 INF
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: Was in 3/327INF 101ABN. DIV. Recently reassigned to Cco. 2/5INF
10/14/02 01:54:40 PM  
Your name: Kathy C.
How did you find our site? Google Search
What unit did you serve with? n/a
When did you serve? n/a
Please enter your comments: I know I might be in the wrong place to find this information, but I am looking for information on the 3rd Platoon, Alpha Co., 5th Battalion, 46th Infantry between 69/70. I am doing some personal research on this group, and would like to find out anything I can about them. If you know of anything, or could point me in the right direction to find out more about this company, I would be grateful. Thank you all for any help you give me!!
10/12/02 09:01:07 PM  
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? 25TH.MILITARY POLICE CO.
When did you serve? 1965 TO 1966
10/12/02 08:17:06 PM  
Your name: Wes Cullen
How did you find our site? surfing
What unit did you serve with? A trp 3/4 Cav
When did you serve? 1963-1964
Please enter your comments: You got a greight site . Any of uall still out there?
10/09/02 10:36:11 PM  
Your name: Ray Medina
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A Co. 65th Combat Engineers
When did you serve? 2/67 thru 2/68
Please enter your comments: HELP.anybody from TEXAS.? looking for ROY G. THOMPSON (same unit & time) last known address EULESS, Texas. narrowed it down to Fort Worth, Dalhart, Mount Pleasant,Dublin,or San Antonio. please check youl local directories & forward phone numbers.I'll make the calls. THANKS
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10/09/02 04:37:15 PM  
Your name: Jeffrey Hess
How did you find our site? Been here before
What unit did you serve with? HHC 2/12th, 25th Div.
When did you serve? 67-69
Please enter your comments: Still looking for old friends from 4 Duce's out of DauTang... and old friend Joe Butcher....Thanks for this site
10/09/02 02:56:19 PM  
Your name: Joseph Amari
How did you find our site? searching
What unit did you serve with? 25th2/12 A
When did you serve? 68/69
Please enter your comments: Looking for a friend Louis Tortes{SP} lives i think in New York.2/12 25th Acompany
10/09/02 06:14:00 AM  
Your name: Jim Becker
How did you find our site? been here before
What unit did you serve with? HHC 3rd BDE 25th Inf. Dau Tieng
When did you serve? 7/67 - 7/68
Please enter your comments: Still looking for any old friends from those days long ago. Be great to hear from you.
10/09/02 06:01:27 AM  
Your name: Bill Park
How did you find our site? visited befor
What unit did you serve with? 1st Bn. 8th Arty
When did you serve? 66-67
Please enter your comments: To all who are planning on attending our mini reunion for the 20th anniversary of THE WALL, please get registered with me. We have to get a head count for buses and for the dinners. The dates of the mini reunion activities are Nov.7, thru the 12th. We're staying at the Marriott,Key Bridge in Arlington. I can E-mail you the info. We really need to finalize this. Bill Park ""
10/09/02 03:48:50 AM  
Your name: PETE SOLIZ
How did you find our site? GOT LUCKY
What unit did you serve with? HHC2nd BRG 25th INF DIV SCHOFIELD BKS HI.
When did you serve? 1981 TO 1984
10/08/02 11:44:41 AM  
Your name: greg kanych
How did you find our site? surfing the net
What unit did you serve with? a company 65th combat engineers
When did you serve? dec66- dec67
Please enter your comments: looking for anyone who served with me. would like to get in touch. greg kanych 80 hyatt ave yonkers,ny. 1o704
10/08/02 11:44:40 AM  
Your name: greg kanych
How did you find our site? surfing the net
What unit did you serve with? a company 65th combat engineers
When did you serve? dec66- dec67
Please enter your comments: looking for anyone who served with me. would like to get in touch. greg kanych 80 hyatt ave yonkers,ny. 1o704
10/08/02 06:06:04 AM  
Your name: Charles Moy
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with?
When did you serve?
Please enter your comments: A friend of mine runs a website dedicated to MP's who served in Vietnam. He wants to expand it to include Korea and WWII. He needs info, stories,photos,etc. Also he is lacking material about The Big Red One MP's REALLY would like to have a patch or the image of a Big Red One MP patch to display on his site. If you are interested in helping with any of the above ,please contact Jim Stewart at: Website is located at:
10/07/02 05:07:19 PM  
Your name: Richard Zettle
How did you find our site? Through the 3/4 Cav. web site
What unit did you serve with? C Troop 3/4 Cav. 25th Inf. Div.
When did you serve? 1966
Please enter your comments: It was great seeing all my fellow Vietnam vets at the 3/4 reunion in Chattanooga, Tenn. Thanks to all my fellow Vietnam vets.
10/06/02 05:26:32 PM  
Your name: Roger A. Thiessen
How did you find our site? Searc engine
What unit did you serve with? B Company 1st Bn. 35th Infantry
When did you serve? Vietnam 1965-1966
Please enter your comments: Hi to all the members of the Division past and present. I will allway fondly remember Hawaii. Lord keep the Division in your care.
10/05/02 08:09:08 PM  
Your name: Fred Bendel
How did you find our site? Visit this site often ,ref. from Am. Legion
What unit did you serve with? 25th. Inf. Div. Btry B 3/13 Arty. FDC & tdy to CRIP Eco. 2/14 Inf.
When did you serve? Sept.1969--Nov.1970
Please enter your comments: Was at Cu Chi,Tay Ninh,Dau Tieng,Patton II, Devins,Sugar Mill, Trang Bang, (a real hell hole)Trung Lap, (and even worse hell hole) Snyder, and a few more of the FSB in the AO. Also a little side tour up into Cambodia,to a little place called "Mini". We got our butts pounded real good there. Can't forget those sewer pipe bunkers. Would like to hear from any of you guys that might have been a part of this. I really enjoy this 25th. Div. website.
10/05/02 07:06:59 PM  
Your name: Jack Harrington (slim)
How did you find our site? net search
What unit did you serve with? Co. D 2/12 25th Division
When did you serve? April 1969 Sept. 1969
Please enter your comments: Stationed at Cui Chi FSB Pershing FSB Lawrence and who can forget the HO BO woods
10/04/02 09:40:45 PM  
Your name: Ray Medina
How did you find our site? frequent visitor
What unit did you serve with? A Co. 65th Engineers
When did you serve? 02/67 to 02/68
Please enter your comments: Years of searching in contact with former partners. ROY THOMPSON where are you?
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10/04/02 01:31:30 PM  
Your name: Bobby D. Deeds
How did you find our site? occasional visitor
What unit did you serve with? HHB & B Batteries 7/8 FAR
When did you serve? Aug 84 -- Oct 86
Please enter your comments: Just wondering where old Red Dragons go.
10/04/02 11:08:13 AM  
Your name: Bobby D. Deeds
How did you find our site? web search
What unit did you serve with? HHB & B Batteries 7/8 FAR
When did you serve? Aug 1984 --- Oct 1986
Please enter your comments: I served during the transition to a light infantry division.
10/04/02 05:15:25 AM  
Your name: Jim Murphy
How did you find our site?
What unit did you serve with? A Co. 125th Sig. Bn.
When did you serve? 12/68 - 12/69
Please enter your comments: Calling all you guys from the 125th. You still have time to sign up for the Tri-State mini-reunion in Washington DC in November. This will be held in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Our base camp will be at the Key Bridge Marriot in Arlington, VA. We have a special rate of $85 per night plus taxes. the Phone number is 1-800-228-9290. Tell them you are attending the 25th Infantry Division reunion. You can download the registration form on the Association website at click on the Association and then click on reunions. Remember, you must be registered for the reunion to qualify for the special rates. You can also e-mail for info. Be there or be square! Jim Murphy President Tri-State Chapter 25th Infantry Division Association
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10/04/02 04:06:33 AM  
Your name: ssg grady s . barrow
How did you find our site? looking for info
What unit did you serve with? hhc 25th s&t battalion
When did you serve? 1969-71
Please enter your comments: just trying to locate some of the guys i served with.

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Last modified 4-13-03

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