From the President

Welcome to the official website of the 25th Infantry Division Association.

The Association was formed after WWII by a group of Veterans with a mission to celebrate their service and maintain what has become a unique fellowship among Veterans. Over the years the Association has seen some changes and the mission is not just about Veterans but, supporting the Tropic Lightning legacy. Membership is open to all who served with, attached to the 25th Infantry Division or any unit attached to the 25th Infantry Division at any time past and present. That means WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Cold War and our Global War on Terror Soldiers and Veterans qualifies you to join and become a member.

My vision and my goals will focus on: 1. Membership 2. Active participation of the Board, Past Presidents and Members, 3. Future leadership from the ranks of Global War on Terror Veterans 4. Improve our relations with between the Association and the Active Division and 5. Expanding the mission of our Memorial Fund.

The benefits of membership include a quarterly newsletter, Tropic Lightning Flashes; attendance of our annual reunions which move to various locations annually and Hawaii every fifth year. Not to mention you will have the opportunity to participate in maintaining and preserving the past, present and future of the organization and the Division.

Our reunions provide a unique opportunity to meet Veterans from other eras who share similar experiences to what you may have encountered. This is one of the most valuable benefits of membership because you have the opportunity to not only bond with those who have served but, those who have not and are trying to understand what the Veterans have experienced. Veterans of all eras represent a small minority of our Nation’s citizens. Today, more than any other period in our Nation’s history, our active duty troops represent the smallest percentage of Americans — less than one percent. We need to support one another and reunions provide a great forum to accomplish that. Our 2024 reunion will be held in Virginia Beach, VA. Please plan on attending as it should be an great time for all.

Here within the website you will find information and photos about the history of the Association, Membership Application, Reunion information and information about our Scholarship Program. You will also find history of the Division and the Regiments and Battalions past and current.

As a result of major fundraising beginning in 2004 the Association was able to have the “United By Sacrifice Memorial” built at Schofield Barracks which was completed in in 2006. The memorial honors 25th Soldiers from WWII to the Global War on Terror (GWOT). During Tropic Lightning Week in 2016 thanks to donations the addition of a Female Warrior in honor of all women who served in the 25th Infantry Division during all wars, and the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) was added. The memorial is a fitting symbol to honor the service and sacrifice of our Tropic Lightning Soldiers. Details, brochure and donation forms are found here. The 25th Infantry Memorial Fund, a qualified tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3) and contributions to the fund are also tax deductible. You can read more about the Memorial Fund and our fund-raising efforts and the memorial built at Fort Benning at: To make a tax deductible donation, follow this link:

The Association has an Archives Program to collect historical artifacts relevant to the 25th Infantry Division operations since its inception during WW II. The Archives are stored at and managed by the George C. Marshall Foundation which is on the grounds of the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, Virginia. We have received almost every conceivable type of artifact you can imagine and all of this will benefit future generations of researchers and the families of our Veterans. The Archives are available for viewing and we are in the process of creating a digital inventory. As part of the Archives Program we also have a “Living History Project”. This aspect of the Archives will store the recorded histories of our members’ service to our Division and Nation. Members are encouraged to submit their stories in written or recorded form to the Association Headquarters for submission to the Archives. The Marshall Foundation Library, where you can view items from our Archives, is open Monday through Friday from 0900 hrs. to 16:30 hrs. The web site of the Marshall Foundation is:

We have an active program to recruit Veterans from the GWOT to join our ranks. We need to begin the transition to the next generation of Warriors. We need your ideas, leadership and motivation to carry the Association forward.

The Association is a qualified tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (19) and contributions to the Association are tax deductible.

Tropic Lightning Sir,

1SG Charles S. Murrell